Golden retriever


Soft for cuddling but very sure in herself outside. Good worker and steady in field. Completley trustful in everyday life. A true star in the ring with lots of carisma and style. Perfect in every way! And my shadow on every move.

Raja was a real sunshine in my life. In our lifes. She was my first dog, not a flatcoat though, but it felt right that I named my kennel after her too – RonRaj. Because she made a lasting mark in our lifes – with her big brown eyes, messy ears and the heart of gold! Sleep well my golden girl.

Poležena | Born on:

30. 5. 1994 - 18. 1. 2008

Razstavni dosežki | Shows:

2x Veteran Winner at 10 years of age


Nin Stobovski
Axvel /BucoAxel
IčaEmir-Bor v.Bjoerndal
Fera Wes-ljarska
Molly Wes-ljaska
CH Donner Of ColertonShargleam Usk Tweed
Palton Crystal Countess
Aba Wes-ljarskaCornlyn's Golden Nugget
Explorer's Countess Of Gold Lajka